
This is one of my long pending cherished desires to have a dalit web-site for the quest from the dalit outlook. I wanted its creation participated by me.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

6. The Euphoria of quoting vedas

We often observe the intellectual in India deriving a lot from Veda, Geeta, Vedanta, Purana, etc. in support of his/her content.

This kind of exercise going on in India is a sheer counter intellectual acrobatics. Why? There are two reasons. One is all these contain all of human society except human essence. They are down to earth brahmanical. They are anti-dalit to the core. What all sense and talent they reflect is about the tact of conducting oneself in the given framework of Chaturvarna. Hence, it has nothing democratic in it. Hence, this style is far from being modern. Further, these are not popular among the public. They are esoteric in nature and the very script of Sanskrit is an esoteric language. Every time these are quoted a translation ensues. Else, none of the audience would know anything of it. Even if the translation is absurdly wrong no one knows! Let it all be so. Now let us take the second reason. Anyone has to strengthen one’s own ideas or presentations with popular idioms, proverbs, idioms, axioms, etc. One of the tragic scenarios in the Indian context is that the popularity of any of them in circulation is again influenced by the caste structure. What is popular among one caste people is not popular among others. What is exactly fitting in one context of audience of a specific caste runs absolutely against another caste and offends them. Still, one can pick, in spite of this divergence and complexity, sufficient number of maxims of exoteric nature. A maxim, exoteric in nature gives lot of support to the speaker and the content from the audience, as it reflects the power of wit of the community on one hand and on the other as it is already popular, accepted and felt strongly as part of culture and value system of the community. It is needless to say that this tendency exhibited in most of the stupid fellows gatherings is a clear reflection brahmanical approach that reduced the intellectual strength into a mere craft to be inherited. The outcome of these gatherings never added even an iota for the growth of Indian intellectual strength and intellectual vision. On the contrary, they have been crippling it. Also, that they have been promoting or have become platforms for the promotion of fools to the core as intellectuals. The historical approach has been every time stamped down and crushed and crushed to the ground in their circles.

Finally, what do you expect out of them or out of the people promoted by are groomed in such foolish gatherings ? Only dogmas. Can it be anything else ?

As part of such exercises it is not the intellectual capacities of the society or of the community or of that specific group that are growing and becoming strong. What is growing and becoming strong is the image and popularity of that individual lecturing. That is what is needed for the fellow lecturing. And, most surprisingly, that is what is needed even for the so-called most learned gentlemen and ladies of such gatherings.


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