
This is one of my long pending cherished desires to have a dalit web-site for the quest from the dalit outlook. I wanted its creation participated by me.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005



Of late the UN is developing a better democratic perspective on Indian Social System than the native Communists.

The native communists of all traces and all ages have been showing an utter disregard for what was apparent and strikingly visible social structure and in stead were revising the reality to fix it into the terms of class division which they have borrowed mechanically from Marx and Marxism.

The very terms of class division and the path-breaking concept associated with it as propounded by Marx were only mechanically received by them. Possibly, a variety of disgruntled elements from the upper castes who were out-membered, ousted, ignored, overridden from power by their counter parts retaining the exclusive power in their hands – that naturally happens and has happened in India too as elsewhere on the globe in the arena of power politics – wanted a very strong and militant political rhetoric. Consequently they labeled their counter parts in power as capitalists or, to refer to another trace among these Indian communists, as landlords and bureaucratic bourgeoisie and themselves as the working class, peasants and middle class. May be few of them believed it at their heart. The immaculateness of a very few of them too is commendable for their sincere involvement to the extent their world view – as a reason of their birth and of course brought up too accrued to their intellect – permitted. They were very much humanists and marked their lives with absolute absence of chivalry found in their upper caste counter parts. They truly carve a niche of their own in the history of upper caste humanism in India. Yet, they couldn’t cross these limits of being just genuinely humanists to become the capable champions of Indian Democracy. To reiterate what is already stated herein – there is no other Democratic Perspective in India than the Dalit Perspective. Whatever. It is a pure chivalry or unbearable foolishness. Simply because one believes something, it can’t be automatically correct. What was even more dangerous than this belief of this out membered sect of upper castes is that their adamant and aggressive advocacy of this theory among the real oppressed.

They forced the idea of a new division of these Indian oppressed on the basis of class. They never succeeded in showing the physical truthfulness of it in the Indian context either for the understanding of the oppressed or even for their own understanding. The unbearable part of their attitude had been to be too adamant to note this failure. The same attitude continues. Hence, they, just on the face it, are and also had been an irrelevant junk in the historical evolution of Indian society. If probed deeply, they would be assessed as a potential constraint or even a threat for the launch of historical approach in the Indian intellectual arena.

Is it to say that Marxism is irrelevant? No. Never, it was so. Never it would be so till the advent of and its replacement by yet another advanced worldview. It is the Indian communist who brought Marxism with their upper casteist wrapping. It had been in their possession. Its implications were defined by them only. Their brahmanical approach and caste obsession made them so intellectually crippled that even in their embrace with the brightest of the philosophies – the Marxism – their ideological bankruptcy did not get even the slightest healing touch! Instead of considering going overseas and taking all that trouble of finding Marxism if they just looked to the exoteric part of India, great wisdom would have dawned upon them. In fact this communist herd of upper castes too reflects the typical brahmanical approach towards intellectual strength. As we mentioned earlier, the traditional brahminism has reduced the meaning of this strength to the mere craft to be inherited by virtue of birth and birth alone. In case of these Indian communists they reduced it to the knowledge of Marxism and of Marxist quotations. So, reducing it to the knowledge of English. They never permitted it to go beyond this and extend it to the understanding of Marxism. Perhaps, they were frightened with the hardships, ordeals and dedication required to evolve as such intellectuals. Whatever be that, they have finally conceived, circulated and forced their type of Marxism, which is stripped of methodologies and contains only the products. What is central to Marxism is the historical materialism. In the words of Marx alone it was a “conscientious study of” many “[14 ?] years”. What was the product? It was the theory of surplus value and scientific assertion of class division and eventuality of social evolution. It was just this product, devoid of the methodology that obtained it, was carried into India. Perhaps ‘political action’ was so irresistible for them that they felt studying the history of their subject society and adoption of a concrete historical perspective delays or diminishes it.

As a result they failed to appreciate even these theoretical products and miserably failed to show their true reflections in the Indian context. The predominance of caste system based on the Chaturvarna of Manu in all walks of life was left without explanation. The roots and ramifications of technique of division of labour by birth in the feudal economy too didn’t get the attention of their study. The growth of industry, which was supposed to level up all traditional divisions of society, in India has maintained the caste division intact even in its ambit of production processes perfectly well. If we see any good number of lower castes in skilled or white choler jobs in industry today, it is because of the ‘mercy’ of Dr. Ambedkar than because of the vulgar automation theory of social change with industrial growth as advocated by these communists. This makes one more point for them to drop their heads in shame for their antagonism or half-hearted support or distorted support for reservations.

Among them, even those with enormous knowledge of Marxism, have understood nothing of Marxism. The reason is that they lack social understanding and failed to take up the rigorous study of Indian society and its history. Had even a few elements of Marxism were passed on to the knowledge of the truly oppressed of India they could have gained a greater understanding of Marxism. The reason is that they experience the social reality and inherit a part of the Indian history if not in its entirety. The vulgarization of Marxism, of the Marxist forums and of the Marxist Flag in the hands of the Indian communists has also led quite many of the intellectuals emerging from the Indian oppressed to be even skeptic, unsympathetic and reserved about Marxism while most others of them retain the love and regard for it. It is not a problem. What is needed is not the mere literacy and the terminology of Marxism but the spirit of the oppressed and the methodology of historical materialism – the core aspect of Marxism. All their activities, struggles and movements have, at the best and even the most glorious of them, been just anti-government and were never for a new and democratic social order. The striking absence of a new social order, if any perceived by them, even in an embryonic form in any of their core forums or out-fit peripheral forums is simply a reflection of this lost focus. The forums of the dominant stream are legal and theirs are illegal or exposed to that risk. The leaders of the dominant forums are in power and the leaders of these forums are not in power. They enjoy greater power and these to enjoy a limited power to the extent of their influence on common people. Yet there is no difference in structures and to a larger extent in the procedures and practices too. Now a days for these communists killing of innocent and / or defenseless persons belonging to dalits and oppressed communities in the name of informers or violators of their dictates has become the order of the day. They do not seem to feel sorry for this. They have gone to the most deplorable extent in being pronouncedly undemocratic when they caution the common people that it is their responsibility if they are killed in their planned bomb-blasts when they are traveling in the same transport vehicles in which the police is also traveling. In summary, it has been the practice of all shades of communists to ignore the dalit identity, the Dalit Perspective and hence, the truly Indian Democratic Perspective. What to speak of the fate of socialism and egalitarian goals in their hands.

Thus is the emergence of Ambedkar distanced from communist forums and against them too and also is the emergence of Ambedkarism. It is a historical fact that Ambedkarism is the sole Democratic Perspective in the Indian context. Anything against it, not through it, bypassing it, .. is a sheer undemocratic perspective. Ambedkarism identified the democratic forces in India. They are the Dalits and the other oppressed communities. But it is an irony that in the present Indian scenario it is again the upper caste elements found usurping almost all the seats in all the forums labeled as democratic – be official or non-official.

If there is a demand for proportionate representation, also often called positive discrimination, it is highly democratic. It shows that the society where such demand echoes is moving from autocracy to democracy. Such demand is echoed only from the oppressed – the un-represented or less-represented. They constitute the democratic forces. If there is a poetry moving the hearts it is democratic. Where the roaring sounds of its downpour resonate such society indicates that it is moving from oppression to democracy. If new literary waves are rising high and the hitherto arrogant pens have become dumb and the traditional seats are tumbling up side down it is a sign of intellectual advancement of the oppressed. It is a happy sign for the launching of new trends in the intellectual arena with a farewell to ideological bankruptcy. If there are independent forums of the oppressed alone and formed and led by them alone emerging it signifies that the democratization of such society is imminent. All this we witness in India today.

Let the adversaries be not shocked just at this. The Dalits and their associate oppressed communities are stressing at present only on proportionate representation in all walks of life – wealth, employment, political forums, other bodies, etc. In this context it may be worth drawing the attention of all the Indian Democratic Forces to reconsider the model of separate constituencies as proposed and pressed by Babasaheb, which was later suppressed by the upper casteists. Any of these is only a demand for a due or could be even a little than due share in the power and authority in all walks of life. The thrust right now is not for absolute power. If these democratic efforts do not correct the Indian social order and if India can’t be launched on to the track of sustained growth in various industrial, agricultural, intellectual, cultural fields this last resort too may need consideration. Any way it would be a long future to venture a statement. Such ventures, again, are possible only for the bankrupt Indian communists. What big stakes do they have? Their clan is so nasty that it boasts of having the knowledge of aeroplane thousands of years ago. Wireless communications, medicines that bring the dead alive, star-wars, long jumps of tens of miles, etc. en-queue in that list. They accrued the worst kind of arrogance to state any thing according to their whims and fancies and never bother to feel responsible either to prove it or to accomplish it. For them proofs exist in relics or books. Whereas, the accomplishments are left to the never arriving or never perceivable future. Esoteric fellows and esoteric ideas.

Going back to the latest announcement of UN – the UN has simply echoed the on going phenomena in India. It has transmitted just the reflections of exoteric Indian social currents of the contemporary period. Thanks to the efforts of the Dalit activists and representatives and also of the other associating oppressed communities which made these echoes and reflections possible.

Sampath Kumar Thulasi
Mobile no: 9440413444


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